current status: creator signups


This is a fundraising event started for the people of Palestine. We are not officially associated with Haikyuu, it's anime, or it's manga. This is a fan-run project, and made possible by volunteer fan creators.

How it works:
For donations of 5 USD — 8 USD to any of the fundraisers listed, you will be able to receive a fanwork from one of the amazing volunteers!
( $5USD for SFW, $8USD for NSFW fanfic/fanart ).

Do note that we are not accepting dead dove / taboo prompts, thank you!

June 15th - June 25th: Creator sign ups open.
June 26th - August 1st: Donations open.
Fanworks to be completed before September 1st.

We have an AO3 Collection.

Inspiration for this carrd from Fengqing Gotcha for Gaza carrd.

More information below.


To be able to keep track of donations easily, we will only be accepting donations to CareForGaza and others listed below.

5USD gets you one SFW fanwork: either fanfic or fanart.
8USD gets you one NSFW fanwork: either fanfic or fanart.
(Please note that only those 18+ are allowed to request NSFW)

You may donate as many times as you wish, as long as the amount donated is the same as the prompts requested. ( Example: you may request 4 SFW prompts, as long as you donate $20.)

You will be asked for proof of your donation, via a screenshot of the reciept. Please blur/cover any personal information. Though the screenshots will not be shared, we would prefer you be safe.

Please be specific when submitting prompts, especially when it comes to things you would like to avoid.

We will ask for a backup prompt just in case no creator is unable to fulfill your first prompt. Please give us time to complete all your requests and assign prompts.


CareForGaza: The team aims to distribute cash, food and supplies such as medicine and clothes for the people of Gaza. The project is regularly being updated on Twitter @CareForGaza.
eSims for Gaza: every eSims purchase allows people within Gaza to stay connected with the world outside, and to help them get word out about what is happening within Gaza.
Pious projects: a fundraiser to distribute Feminine Hygiene kits for the women in Gaza. Each kit will contain items such as sanitary pads, tooth brushes, tooth paste, wipes, tissues, etc.
PCRF: Palestine Children's Relief Fund aims to raise funds to help support humanitarian needs, programs and projects for the sick and injured children
OCHA: (Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund) collects contributions to support urgent relief on the ground


What are the dates for this event?
June 15th - June 25th: Creator sign ups open.
June 26th - August 1st: Donations open.
Fanworks to be completed before September 1st.

What can we request / prompt?
Anything you could ever want, as long as it includes Haikyuu characters and isn't dead dove / taboo.

Is dead dove / taboo content allowed?
Considering the source material, we have decided that no dead dove / taboo prompts will be accepted. This includes incest, non-con, pedophilia, etc. and we ask that all characters be adults in NSFW prompts.

What is expected of creators?
We expect at least 1k words from fic writers, and a basic sketch from artists, to keep it simple. If you would like to go further, you may absolutely do so!
During the sign up, we will ask how many prompts you are willing to do, and we will respect that number. You may change that number via our discord server or our dms.

How will creators receive our prompts?
Your prompts will be emailed to you, along with a spreadsheet of all the prompt assignments.

How will donators receive our prompts?
Prompts will be posted on the creators accounts, unless the creator wishes to remain anonymous. If the creator wishes to stay anonymous, the official Haikyuu Gotcha for Gaza account will post it for them.

How will prompt assigning go?
Prompts will be assigned at random, though (if there are a lot of prompts) we may give people the option to call dibs on prompts in our discord server.

Any other questions:
Please dm/ask us on Twitter or Tumblr (@HaikyuuAction / haikyuuaction.tumblr.com) for more questions, or shoot us a message in our discord server.